Initiatives of theHamburg Kreativ Gesellschaft

Music WorX Accelerator 2020: application phase started

The Music WorX Accelerator enters a new round in 2020. Again, we are looking for innovative business models at the interface between music and technology.

Music WorX Accelerator 2020: application phase started - Foto: Franck V. via Unsplash

The Music WorX Accelerator enters a new round in 2020.
This year again, we are looking for innovative business models at the interface between music and technology.

Locked concert halls, canceled festivals, deserted dance floors - the corona crisis shakes the (live) music industry. Alternative revenue and business models are needed. Do you have a business idea that can help the music industry take a step into a digital future? Apply now for the Music WorX Accelerator and take your business model to the next level! 

The accelerator for the music industry

With the Music WorX Accelerator we support founders from the music industry who want to develop their business further. This year we are especially looking for teams who have not yet or only recently founded their company. In a condensed, three-month program the participants develop their business idea further - supported by experts and mentors from the Hamburg music industry. Every year we sponsor up to four teams from Hamburg, Germany and all over Europe.

Participants receive:

  • 5,000 euros for supporting services to (further) develop the business idea
  • 1.500 Euro per team per month as a contribution to the living costs of the team members
  • an individual qualification programme
  • targeted networking opportunities with music companies from Hamburg and relevant industry representatives
  • a free accreditation for the Reeperbahn Festival Conference and the Reeperbahn Festival (tbc)
  • flexible coworking workstations in Hamburg if required
  • the possibility to win a prize money of 5000 Euro at the final Music WorX Pitch

Music WorX is a publicly funded accelerator. Therefore the founders do not transfer any shares of their company to us.

Read more about the Music WorX Acclerator.

Apply for Music WorX 2020 now!

Sounds interesting? Then apply now using our application form.
Please Note: On July 3 starting at 8 am PT (3 pm UTC) Surveymonkey will be performing site maintenance for about 12 hours. You won't be able to fill out the application form during this time.

The deadline for applications is July 13th, 2020.
We will inform you as soon as possible if the accelerator 2020 will be realized as an analogue, digital, or hybrid format (due to the corona crisis).


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